Media Release, Nordiq Alberta News, Stories

Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Donation-Matching Campaign

by Nordiq Alberta

Minister of Culture, the Honourable Ron Orr, announced the launch of the Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation (SPAR) Donation-Matching Campaign.  The SPAR Donation-Matching Campaign is part of the Ministry’s Creative Partnerships Alberta initiative.

The Government of Alberta will match up to $350,000 in donations to the SPAR Donation Fund Program.  The SPAR Donation-Matching Campaign will run from April 1, 2022 to August 30, 2022 or until the matching funds have been allotted. This donation-matching funding will leverage private donations to provide a boost in revenue for eligible organizations offering sport, physical activity and recreation programs during this time of recovery.

Alberta’s sport, physical activity and recreation programs provide many essential services on which Albertans rely for their physical and mental health, and valued quality of life. This Donation-Matching Campaign builds on donor support of sector programs Albertans enjoy. This support will assist in building the renewed capacity and resiliency of programming in Alberta.

Please see the SPAR Donation-Matching Fact Sheet for more details on the Donation-Matching  campaign and the matching parameters. As you are already aware, the Donation Fund Program Guidelines can be accessed here.